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Start with an example

Use create-turbo to bootstrap an example with your favorite tooling.

# Use an example listed below
npx create-turbo@latest --example [example-name]
# Use a GitHub repository from the community
npx create-turbo@latest --example [github-url]

Core-maintained examples

This list is maintained by the Turborepo core team. Dependencies are kept as up-to-date as possible and GitHub Issues are accepted and addressed for these examples.

basicMinimal Turborepo example for learning the fundamentals.
kitchen-sinkWant to see a more in-depth example? Includes multiple frameworks, both frontend and backend.
non-monorepoExample of using Turborepo in a single project without workspaces
with-shell-commandsA Turborepo-only monorepo.
with-svelteMonorepo with multiple SvelteKit apps sharing a UI Library
with-tailwindMonorepo with multiple Next.js apps sharing a UI Library all using Tailwind CSS with a shared config

Community-maintained examples

The community curates a set of examples to showcase ways to use common tools and libraries with Turborepo. To bootstrap your monorepo with one of the examples, use the --example flag:

Good to know: 

GitHub Issues for these examples will be closed. If you find problems, please submit a pull request with fixes.

design-systemUnify your site's look and feel by sharing a design system across multiple apps.
with-angularMinimal Turborepo example using Angular.
with-berryMinimal Turborepo example using Yarn Berry.
with-changesetsSimple Next.js monorepo preconfigured to publish packages via Changesets
with-dockerMonorepo with an Express API and a Next.js App deployed with Docker utilizing turbo prune
with-gatsbyMonorepo with a Gatsby.js and a Next.js app both sharing a UI Library
with-nestjsMinimal Turborepo example with Nest.js.
with-npmMinimal Turborepoe example using npm as a package manager.
with-prismaMonorepo with a Next.js App fully configured with Prisma
with-react-native-webSimple React Native & Next.js monorepo with a shared UI library
with-rollupMonorepo with a single Next.js app sharing a UI library bundled with Rollup
with-typeormMonorepo with TypeORM
with-viteMonorepo with multiple Vanilla JS apps bundled with Vite, sharing a UI Library
with-vue-nuxtMonorepo with Vue and Nuxt, sharing a UI Library
with-yarnMonorepo using Yarn 1 for package management


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