

The easiest way to get started with Turborepo is by using create-turbo. Use this CLI tool to quickly start building a new monorepo, with everything set up for you.

npx create-turbo@latest

Start with an example

The community curates a set of examples to showcase ways to use common tools and libraries with Turborepo. To bootstrap your monorepo with one of the examples, use the --example flag:

npx create-turbo@latest --example [example-name]

Use any of the example's names below:

design-systemUnify your site's look and feel by sharing a design system across multiple apps.
with-angularMinimal Turborepo example using Angular.
with-berryMinimal Turborepo example using Yarn Berry.
with-changesetsSimple Next.js monorepo preconfigured to publish packages via Changesets
with-dockerMonorepo with an Express API and a Next.js App deployed with Docker utilizing turbo prune
with-gatsbyMonorepo with a Gatsby.js and a Next.js app both sharing a UI Library
with-nestjsMinimal Turborepo example with Nest.js.
with-npmMinimal Turborepoe example using npm as a package manager.
with-prismaMonorepo with a Next.js App fully configured with Prisma
with-react-native-webSimple React Native & Next.js monorepo with a shared UI library
with-rollupMonorepo with a single Next.js app sharing a UI library bundled with Rollup
with-typeormMonorepo with TypeORM
with-viteMonorepo with multiple Vanilla JS apps bundled with Vite, sharing a UI Library
with-vue-nuxtMonorepo with Vue and Nuxt, sharing a UI Library
with-yarnMonorepo using Yarn 1 for package management

Use a community example

You can also use a custom starter or example by using a GitHub URL. This is useful for using your own custom starters or examples from the community.

npx create-turbo@latest --example [github-url]


-m, --package-manager to use (choices: "npm", "yarn", "pnpm", "bun")

--skip-install: Do not run a package manager install after creating the project (Default: false)

--skip-transforms: Do not run any code transformation after creating the project (Default: false)

--turbo-version <version>: Use a specific version of turbo (default: latest)

-e, --example [name]|[github-url]: An example to bootstrap the app with. You can use an example name from the official Turborepo repo or a GitHub URL. The URL can use any branch and/or subdirectory

-p, --example-path <path-to-example>: In a rare case, your GitHub URL might contain a branch name with a slash (e.g. bug/fix-1) and the path to the example (e.g. foo/bar). In this case, you must specify the path to the example separately: --example-path foo/bar

-v, --version:  Output the current version

-h, --help: Display help for command


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