

On macOS

Install cargo-instruments

cargo install cargo-instruments

Make sure you have all the prerequisites for running cargo-instruments.

Run the profiler

By default, turbopack-cli dev will keep watching for changes to your application and never exit until you manually interrupt it. However, cargo-instruments waits for your program to exit before building and opening the trace file. For this purpose, we've added a profile feature to turbopack-cli which exits the program if no updates are detected within a given time frame and there are no pending tasks.

To profile turbopack-cli, run the following command:

cargo instruments -t time --bin turbopack-cli --release --features profile [-- [...args]]

You can also run other templates than the time profiler.

Once the program exits, the profiler will open the trace file in Instruments. Refer to the learning resources to learn how to use Instruments.

An example trace from the time profiler.


Memory usage

# Install `heaptrack` and `heaptrack_gui`
sudo apt install heaptrack heaptrack_gui
# Compile with debug info but without the alternative allocator:
CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_DEBUG=1 cargo build --bin turbopack-cli --release --no-default-features --features native-tls
# Run the binary with heaptrack (it will be much slower than usual)
heaptrack target/release/turbopack-cli [...]
# Stop it anytime
# Open the GUI and open the heaptrack.turbopack-cli.XXX.gz file

On other platforms

We currently don't have a guide for profiling Turbopack on other platforms.

On this page