
Migrating from webpack to Turbopack

We're planning Turbopack as the successor to webpack. In the future, we plan to give Turbopack all the tools needed to support your webpack app.

webpack loaders and resolve aliases

For apps running Next.js 13.2 or later, Turbopack supports configuration familiar to webpack users, including support for webpack loaders and customizing resolution rules. Visit the webpack loaders page in the Next.js docs for how to configure Turbopack with these options.

Note that using webpack-based Next.js plugins as-is from next.config.js is not yet supported.


Will it be compatible with webpack's API?

webpack has a huge API. It's extremely flexible and extensible, which is a big reason why it's so popular.

We're planning on making Turbopack very flexible and extensible, but we're not planning 1:1 compatibility with webpack. This lets us make choices which improve on webpack's API, and lets us optimize for speed and efficiency.

Will we be able to use webpack plugins?

webpack plugins are a crucial part of webpack's ecosystem. They let you customize your toolchain, giving you low-level tools to maximize your productivity.

Unlike loaders, webpack plugins can be tightly integrated with webpack's internals.

Since we're not offering 1:1 API compatibility for plugins, most won't work out of the box with Turbopack. However, we're working on porting several of the most popular webpack plugins to Turbopack.

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